Thursday, September 12, 2013

Bring it!

So, if your friends with me on Facebook, or you follow me on Twitter you'd know that I have pledged to a full 6 weeks of fitness. Last night was my first Bootcamp session, and boy oh boy was it tough. I have always given a hard side eye to people that went to Crossfit or MMA training religiously, to me they all had a cult-like mentality. It was weird to think that they enjoyed being in pain, but guess what guys.. I've been bitten by the bug, and it hurts so good. Though Bootcamp was challenging, like huffing and puffing, sweat in my eyes, and going "woo" challenging, I'm going back tomorrow. I'm addicted to the techniques and pushing my body to the limit, and it also helps that I'm super attracted to my instructor :).

I'm excited to see how my body will change within the following 6 weeks. Join me?


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Does Vicky Have What It Takes?

A lot of football fans don't think so.

If you know anything about Michael Vick (besides what's been in the mainstream media) you'd know that he is notorious for getting injured... and remaining injured. As a matter of fact, Vick hasn't played a full 16-game season since 2006, and if you've been doing your research on Philadelphia's new head coach Chip Kelly you'd know that his style is to play the game with a fast paced offense. That may have worked for the University of Oregon, where he could rotate about 100 players on his team.

As an Eagles fan, I am crossing my fingers that the limping Vick was doing after his 36-yard run in the fourth quarter isn't anything too serious.

See you Charger's on Sunday :)


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Oh Boy.

Hi All!
Wow, has it really been 2 years? It's fascinating how ambitious the young mind can be. However, I have done some much needed growing up, and guess what? I want to share my experiences with you!
Be patient with me as I am getting used to Blogger's new renovations. It has been quite a while since I last logged on as you can see.
Feel free to check out my tumblr where I've been spending most of my time:

Enjoy! ;)